We initiate each client relationship with Ignition Client Immersion and Strategic Planning, laying the groundwork for a client-centric approach, which is relevant and results-oriented for immediate implementation and long-term success.
The purpose of Ignition is not to recreate the wheel, but build upon the tools you already have in place, while developing a strategy that drives an elevated presence among key audiences and influencers.
Ignition also coincides with activation of immediate priorities to ramp up quickly at the strategic level without losing short term opportunities.
Elements often included in Ignition include:
- Ratification of goals, objectives and measurement metrics
- Audience segmentation and prioritization
- Research, such as executive interviews, client interviews, qualitative and quantitative market research, digital and traditional media analysis
- Competitive communications analysis
- Strategic approach
- Primary and supportive messaging
- Creative and tactical ideation to identify the most effective communications channels to reach and influence audiences
- Needs assessment
- Identification of immediate mobilization options to prevent missed opportunities, while the plan is concurrently being developed
- Implementation timeline
- Ongoing evaluation and evolutions